Welcome to ssspy’s documentation!#

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ssspy is a Python toolkit for sound source separation.


You can install ssspy by pip.

pip install ssspy

To install latest version,

pip install git+https://github.com/tky823/ssspy.git

Instead, you can build package from source.

git clone https://github.com/tky823/ssspy.git
cd ssspy
pip install -e .


If you fail to install ssspy, please update setuptools by

python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools


If you cannot install ssspy due to failure in building wheel for numpy, please install numpy in advance.

Build Documentation Locally (optional)#

To build the documentation locally, you have to include docs and notebooks when installing ssspy.

pip install -e ".[docs,notebooks]"

You need to convert some notebooks by the following command:

. ./docs/pre_build.sh

When you build the documentation, run the following command.

cd docs/
make html

Or, you can build the documentation automatically using sphinx-autobuild.

# in ssspy/
sphinx-autobuild docs docs/_build/html

Indices and tables#